Course Description and Mission:
The Implementation track presents advanced coaching skills and exercises, including extensive practical tools for identifying growth, change, and processing opportunities in others. Implementation equips you to coach at higher levels of professional skill than ever before! If you decide to accept this challenge to excel, you will learn to create coaching plans for any coaching objective, listen and respond in ways you never thought of, and partner confidently with clients. Practice with feedback by coaching your peer and at least one client outside of the training cohort. You will get extensive practice in effectively identifying opportunities and engaging topics with clients. All 10 Lifeforming Coaching Values and all International Coach Federation Core Coaching Competencies and Ethics are integrated into your coaching skills. Coaching between peers and with a client is supervised by the trainer and timely, specific feedback is given to maximize the training experience.
Here’s what to expect:
– You will receive an invitation to a Zoom virtual Orientation.
– Orientation is 7:00 PM Eastern Time and ends by 8:30 PM
– Week 1 begins the following week
– Weekly meeting times are set that work for you, your peer, and your Trainer.
– In Week 11 we have a cohort-wide virtual 2-day workshop. Times adjusted based on diversity of time zones.
– 13 Week course runs weekly.
Course Pre-requisites
Completion of some previous coach-specific training is required. Lifeforming’s Accelerated Coach Training (level 1) and Life Focus (level 2) are recommended prior to taking Implementation, our level 3 training.
Interested? Please email for more information.